Privacy Policy

This website is run and managed by Euclid Ltd on behalf of your Local Authority. For completeness the Local Authority’s Privacy Policy should also be read. This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you.

We are committed to protecting your privacy.

Our contact details

Full name: Euclid Limited

Address: Euclid House, Parklands Business Park, Forest Road, Denmead, Hants PO7 6XP

Any questions or issues you may have regarding your data privacy, or any wish you have to exercise any of your rights (which are explained below), should be raised via your Local Authority.

However, if you do need to contact us regarding any issue or query about our privacy policy then our Data Protection Officer can be reached by emailing

Personal Information collected by us and what we do with it

In line with your Local Authority’s privacy policy we need certain information from/about you in order to produce your Travel Vouchers booklet. However no new personal data is collected by use of this online renewal request system except your new address in the event you have moved in the last year.

The personal information collected is only used in connection with the production of your travel vouchers and is not shared with any third parties (ie. other than appropriate and authorised Suffolk County Council employees).

Keeping personal information secure

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach.

What gives us the right to process this personal data?

We process this information to comply with the Local Authority’s contractual obligations to you. We may also process the data if we have a legal or regulatory obligation to do so (for example if we are required to pass on your personal data to the police authorities) or we have a legitimate obligation to process your personal data and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

How long will we retain your data?

We will retain personal data for as long as required by the Local Authority. In certain instances we may be required to keep personal data for a longer period for combatting fraud, where it relates to a legal case or claim, or we are under instruction from police authorities or there is some legal or contractual obligation so to do.

Your legal rights

Under GDPR you have rights which you can exercise, generally free of charge, which allow you to:

  • know what we are doing with your information and why we are doing it
  • ask to see what information we hold about you (subject access request)
  • ask us to correct any mistakes in the information we hold about you
  • object to direct marketing
  • make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office
  • withdraw consent at any time (if applicable)

Depending on our reason for using your information you may also be entitled to:

  • ask us to delete information we hold about you
  • have your information transferred electronically to yourself or to another organisation
  • object to decisions being made that significantly affect you
  • object to how we are using your information
  • stop us using your information in certain ways

We will always seek to comply with your request however we may be required to hold or use your information to comply with legal duties. Please note, your request may delay or prevent us delivering a service to you. For example, it would not be possible to delete your data without you first surrendering your entitlement to the travel vouchers concession.

How to complain

You can complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline number: 0303 123 1113